Terms & Conditions

By using our website, affiliated services, bespoke services, and / or any services we offer, you agree to;

  • Us collecting data from you as you use the website,
  • Monitoring access to the site and which parts you visit,
  • Restrict any parts of the website / system we feel in not relevant,
  • Show you adverts from other selected third party companies that may be relevant,
  • Provide collected data to GOOGLE for purpose of data analytics and / or set ranking.

We do not make any of the guarantees, be they implied or not;

  • The website offerings are suitable,
  • Data collected may not be stolen.
  • Advertisements are suitable for all ages,
  • GOOGLE offerings and indexing are reliable,

Whilst every effort is made to scan all our websites every day, we can not nor will be held responsible for any external links and / or viruses / malware / spyware found on this or any associated websites.

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